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Your Email *
Phone Number *
Please Answer the question
First Name *
Last Name *
Present Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Phone No *
Mobile *
Email Address *
Male/Female Male Female
Date of Birth *
Fathers Name *
Fathers Professions *
Mothers Name *
Mothers Professions *
Date you can start *
Salary Desired? * Rs. Month
Are you employed Now? Yes No
If Yes, name current employer
Your educational Qualification (BA/BCOM etc.)
How fast do you type? (Words per min approach)
do you have experience in any of three following Sowfatre ? Pagemaker Photoshop CoralDraw
If No are you willing to learn Yes No
Describe your former employers?
Name of Company 1
How many months did you work?
Name of Company 2
Name of Company 3
Are you willing to work Morning: 12.30pm To 9.0pm Yes No
Are you willing to work Afternoon: 1.30pm To 10pm Yes No
Are you willing to work Evening: 6.0pm To 2.30am Yes No
If You are working what is the present salary?
Do you have transportation? Yes No
If we want to give a test for full day are you wiling to come? Yes No